Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions

By participating in the contest, you understand, acknowledge and unconditionally agree to abide by the following Rules:

Purpose of the contest:

The purpose of the contest is to promote travel culture and bring out hidden talent and provide an explorer view to the audience which might be helpful for their future travel. All the material is just for information only and holds no liability/authenticity.

Contest Guidelines:

  • All entries must be submitted via the website form and by uploading the photo to Instagram and tagging @arsvihaara and adding contest hashtag  #ARSpcTravel25Apr in Instagram.
  • Follow our Instagram page for updates.
  • A single participant can submit different multiple photos but should not submit same photo multiple times. However only single photo will be declared as winner.
  • No third party may own or control any materials the photo contains, and the photo must not infringe upon the trademark, copyright, moral rights, intellectual rights, or rights of privacy of any entity or person.
  • Quality of the photo should be of decent quality, should be personally owned by the contestant without any Logo or watermark.
  • Selfies or any photo which is revealing personal identity are not accepted.
  • Creativity, beauty and uniqueness  in photography are always differentiators.
  • Winner of the contest  will be announced on Instagram or our website.
  • Please note your profile has to be public in Instagram , else your photo cannot be viewed in Instagram hashtag page.

Winning criteria

  • The most critical factor for winning is the number of likes  the photo has received in Instagram hashtag contest , Please feel free to share it to your supporters for more likes.
  • Though number of likes in Instagram hashtag contest is a critical factor, it is not the only factor in deciding the winner, The winner will be solely decided by Ars Vihaara Holidays Private Limited and the participant has no dispute authority.
  • Providing wrong information and tagging photos that are irrelevant to the theme can lead to disqualification.
  • The Phone numbers/Emails provided in the form should be appropriate and have UPI enabled to receive the prize money, No Alteration will be allowed after the submission.
General Guidelines
  • That you are the true owner of the video/Photo & material you have submitted to us and you have not copied/downloaded from any other sources and is not a copyright content and also the video/Photo is not published in YouTube or any other social media platforms either earlier or in future
  • You are  primary responsible for any legal actions/ consequences/ disputes  that would arise with the content of the video/Photo you have submitted
  • Your video/photo do not contain any abusive language / illegal activities nor hurt anyone’s sentiments
  • Ars Vihaara Holidays Private Limited reserves copyright of all the images/Videos submitted.
  • Agree that your content can be published by Ars Vihaara Holidays Private Limited on their social media platforms
  • Ars Vihaara Holidays Private Limited has the absolute rights to decide winner of the contest/prize money and it’s disclosure
  • Ars Vihaara Holidays Private Limited reserves the right to alter any of these Official Rules at any time and for any reason without prior intimation. All decisions made by Ars Vihaara Holidays Private Limited concerning the Contest shall be final and at its sole discretion.
  • Ensure that the Entry is in compliance with all the legal and copyright requirements.


  •  Submitted photos must be original, created and/or taken by the contestant. It must not contain any materials owned or controlled by a third party for which you have not obtained a license, must not infringe the copyright, trademark, moral rights, rights of privacy/publicity or intellectual property rights of any person or entity and you shall indemnify and hold harmless Ars Vihaara Holidays Private Limited from and against any claims related to infringement of any intellectual property rights of any person or entity.
  • Upon making the submission, you grant Ars Vihaara Holidays Private Limited , a worldwide non-exclusive, royalty free, sub-licensable right and license to use, publish, reproduce, display, perform, adapt, create derivative works, distribute, have distributed, print, in whole or in part, in any form, in all media forms now or hereafter known to promote the contest, image, the photographer or for promotional or educative or any other use.